Illiberalism, populism and the Political Context in East Central Europe

On 10 November 2018, a panel discussion organised by the European Liberal Forum in cooperation with Republikon Institute at the 2018 Freedom Games in Łódź explored the relationship between and cooperation opportunities for civil society and politics in Poland and Hungary. Speakers were Paweł Kasprzak (Polish columnist, leader of the Citizens of Poland (Obywatele RP) movement), Andrea Virág (Hungarian researcher and analyst at Republikon Institute), Balázs Gulyás (Hungarian sociologist, activist, university lecturer at ELTE), Kamila Gasiuk-Pihowicz (Polish politician, lawyer, Nowoczesna MP), and Borys Budka (Deputy Chairman of Civic Platform, Polish lawyer, doctor of economic sciences, university lecturer, former Minister of Justice). The discussion was moderated by Piotr Beniuszys from Liberté!, who asked the speakers to talk about the history and the future of civil society, NGOs, and civil movements in their respective countries.

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