The new legislation of European Commission called Mobility Package imposes more restrictions on the road transport sector, which could massively damage companies that rely on cross-border transportation. One of the changes entitles drivers to be paid the local remuneration level including all benefits if they work at least for 3 days in a month within a country. For small businesses in particular, these costs could lead to their closure, which has prompted accusations of protectionism. Project of European Union was successful, particularly thanks to the opening of borders between member states. One of the greatest benefits the country receives when joining the European Union is freedom of the movement. Europe is now divided into Western and Eastern part by the efforts of governments in some member states to protect their domestic markets from foreign competition.
Due to these efforts, European Union presented new rules for posted workers that were the same for those working in transport sector. These rules have been criticized by the countries of Eastern and Central Europe because of the high mobility of the transport sector that should have its specific rules. In context of dissatisfaction with the new rules not only in Czech republic, but also in other countries, where the sector has strategic importance for the economy, institutions of European Union came to the conclusion that transport sector will be excluded from the Mobility Package. It is just a first step but it is one of the biggest achievements within the negotiations about the Mobility Package.