Year: 2021
Editor: Ludvig Hambraeus
ISBN: 978-2-39067-000-1
U.S. private equity extraordinaire Stephen Schwartzman outlined it well: “In the 21st Century, China is no longer an elective, it is core curriculum”.
In order for stakeholders and policymakers to be successful in working with issues resulting from a rising China, an understanding of and appreciation for how China views the world and itself in it is key. The American Response to Chinese Expansionism in Cyberspace – U.S. Policy Deconstructed for a European Audience is a short introduction to state cyber expansionism and the U.S. response, targeted towards those who wishes to attain fundamental awareness in the field without any prior knowledge. Edited by Ludvig Hambraeus and authored by Ludvig Hambraeus and Katarina Tracz, this publication serves to aid European decisionmakers and stakeholders in gaining greater understanding of one of the formulaic issues of the 21st century.