Finland, Sweden & NATO – Did Trump Change Everything?

The event started with a breakfast at the Parliament of Sweden where the speakers Andras Simoyi from the Center for Transatlantic Relations in Washington, D.C., Anna Kronlund from the University of Turku, Finland and Magnus Christiansson from the Swedish Defence University had the chance to meet and discuss the topic of the event with Members of the Centre Party’s Executive Board, namely Members of Parliament Kerstin Lundgren and Daniel Bäckström and Party Secretary Michael Arthursson. Also Finnish Member of Parliament Anders Adlercreutz, Jaan Siitonen från Svenska Bildningsförbundet and Centre Party’s International Assistant on behalf of the Centre Party’s International Foundation Nicolò Branchesi attended the breakfast. Thereafter, the event continued at the Centre Party’s National Office where a lunch seminar was held, with Kerstin Lundgren acting as moderator for the above mentioned speakers together with Stockholm Free World Forum’s Director Katarina Tracz. The event was a success, hosting nearly 50 people and receiving a lot of attention in Stockholm’s political, diplomatic and media world. In this sense, we have achieved the aim of the event, i.e. bringing together respresentatives of different and related organizatons to have an open and honest discussion about the current US administration influence on the geopolitical situation in the Baltic region. Among the participants we had the Hungarian and Rumanian ambassadors, German, French, Finnish, Lithuanian and US diplomats, Swedish and Finnish politicans, representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and media. Development and integration of EU’s defense was very much discussed as a complement and not a substitute of NATO.

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