The European Women‘s Academy for Political Leadership and Campaigning is a training programme, divided into two session and targeting liberal female politicians, who plan to participate in general or local elections in the coming two years. The focus of the second session is on image building and provided the participants with useful tools and knowledge on how to build the strategy around their campaign, in terms of public and media appearances, building good campaigning teams and framing the right messages.
The opening discussion round was used for participants to check upon their experiences from the last session and give an update on their work in the time between the two sessions. After that a session was devoted on media relations and more specifically on crisis communications, facilitated by Annika Arras. She gave examples of her personal career and the group was asked to work on four case studies, dealing with internal, national, international and personal crisis. Radu Magdin, CEO of Smartlink Communications gave useful tips and tricks to the participants about the body language and posture while doing public speeches in form of an entertaining energizing exercises Power Dance. The next day was devoted to group work where participants were divided into three groups, with each group visiting on a rotation principle different workshop.