Society nowadays is powerfully influenced by NGO`s and political foundations. In relation to these phenomena are defined the objectives of “Strengthening NGO`s and Political Foundations” project, to contribute with viable and adequate solutions to the challenges that can determine the success of an NGO and political foundations actions.
Thus, the European Liberal Forum supported by Institute for Liberal Studies organized the event “Strengthening NGO`s and Political Foundations” in order to improve their internal communication, their branding and their liberal perspective. During four days of course NGO`s and political foundations members shared their experience on following topics: “Political communication”, “Internal communication”, “Branding”, “How to identify NGOs and civil society movements that share a liberal perspective”, “The role of ideological identity in sustainable democracies” and “How to develop (or even develop it during the program) a digital platform for communication and dialogue with liberal minded citizens” In order to prepare for those subjects 21 participants, including speakers and moderators exchanged their know – how and their experience. Speakers have been selected from many profesional areas as political strategy and communication, journalism, or sociology.
Main topics were connected to reasons of establish an NGO from an ideological perspective, and how it can be developed and promoted. Actually trust is developed by the people who represent the NGO. People are the ground of both, foundations and NGO`s. Another important issue about political foundations which are connected to a certain party is to avoid losing their voice and values. As a strategy is important to know how to influence the debate of ideas on your environment. Has a huge impact to know how to inform the public debate. Also a great strength is transparency, which will bring the NGO or political foundation credibility.