Fondazione Critica Liberale

Fondazione Critica Liberale is a non-profit foundation established in 1994 with the aim of promoting Liberalism in Italy and acting in the fields of democracy, civil liberties and human rights, social and economic policies.

Fondazione Critica Liberale organises and sponsors conferences, workshops and seminars as well as research studies and a wide range of publications. The foundation runs the three-monthly review Critica Liberale (published since 1969, before the foundation came into existence) and its online supplements criticaliberalepuntoit (weekly newsletter), Gli Stati Uniti d’Europa (The United States of Europe, monthly insert advocating European federalism), and nonmollare (quindicinale post azionista, bimonthly action journal).

The foundation supports, and is a partner of, institutions and activities with parallel aims, such as Consulta Laica of Rome and Coordinamento Nazionale delle Consulte Laiche of Italy. In 2007 the foundation and CGIL trade union office, Ufficio Nuovi Diritti, launched the Observatory on Secularisation. The Observatory publishes an annual Report on secularisation in Italy and organises a series of meetings called Conversazioni laiche; it also edits a yearly report on religious information in the Italian media, funded by the Italian Waldensian (Protestant) Church.

Fondazione Critica Liberale is a member of the Coordination of Italian Cultural Reviews (CRIC).

The foundation is one of the founding members of the Pannunzio Society for Freedom of Information.


Address: Via delle Carrozze 19, 00187 Rome, Italy

Phone: +39 06 67 96 01 1
