Fondazione Luigi Einaudi

The Luigi Einaudi Foundation for studies in politics, economics and history was founded in December 1962 on the initiative of Giovanni Malagodi. It’s the oldest Italian political-cultural foundation. Always its goal is to grow as a centre of excellence, authoritative and independent, of elaboration of ideas and proposals to contribute to the training of a qualified ruling class, in order to promote development and civil growth of the country and orientate it, in a liberal sense, political and economic activity. Since 2015 it is a non-profit organisation.

The Foundation has played and continues to perform a precious function of diffusion of the ideas and works of important protagonists of Italian and foreign liberal culture. The Foundation was able to count among its founding members companies and institutions among the most important in Italy. Guests of the Foundation’s initiatives over the years have been the likes of James M. Buchanan, Friedrich von Hayek, Henri Lepage, Nicola Matteucci, Karl Popper, Sergio Ricossa.



Following the teaching of Luigi Einaudi as a man of science, economist, statesman, the Foundation puts the maximum effort in directing its work to the reinforcement and diffusion of all the components of liberal thought and conception, beyond and above the interests and needs of any party, through the promotion of studies, research and cultural initiatives.



The Luigi Einaudi Foundation includes among its activities:

  • The custody and reorganisation of archival funds, the production of source collections, the publication of historical works;
  • Re-edition of historically significant texts;
  • The creation of a database containing the Opera omnia of Luigi Einaudi;
  • Organisation of travelling exhibitions at national and international level – including particularly important “L’eredità di Luigi Einaudi” (Rome at the Palazzo del Quirinale, Milan, Turin, Naples, Ravenna), and widespread and interactive museums;
  • The granting of scholarships aimed at specific research and analysis (among the Foundation’s historical scholarship holders: Mario Monti, Fabrizio Barca, Anna Maria Tarantola);
  • The promotion of courses for schools;
  • The annual organisation of the “School of Liberalism” in several Italian cities: real courses of liberal culture and political formation;
  • The organisation of conferences, seminars, commemorations, book presentations, public meetings on topics of great interest and with high-profile speakers from the political-institutional and industrial world.


Piazzale delle Medaglie d’oro, 44

00136 ROMA


Ph.: + 39 06/6865461