During the month of October, the European Liberal Forum is launching a campaign on the importance of cybersecurity in Europe. Through a month-long series of events and collaborations, we hope to answer the question: “Why does cybersecurity matter for European governments, businesses and citizens?”. Using the momentum of the European Cybersecurity Month, this campaign will shift from the more usual “cybersecurity as a defence capability” narrative and explore ways of how cybersecurity can become a pre-condition of growth and development in Europe.
Throughout the month of October, we have prepared long series of events and collaborations, to answer the question: “Why does cybersecurity matter for European governments, businesses and citizens?”.
To begin with, check out Digitising Europe blogpost, where Miroslava Sawiris, Senior Research Fellow at GLOBSEC talks about strategic lawsuits and the fight against disinformation. Allessia Boi, Project manager at Center for Cybersecurity and International Relations Studies, talks in her blogpost about how cybersecurity influences many aspects of our society. Last but not least, Ludvig Hambraeus, Advisor and Author at Lund University writes about the European approach to cyber policy and what it needs to succeed. Regarding other publications, make sure to check out Francesco Cappelletti’s piece on Cyberattacks and what do they cost us and another discussion paper written by him and Prof. Luigi Martino about ‘’Achieving robust European cybersecurity through public – private partnerships’’.
Our podcast list also has a lot of interesting tracks in store for you. For example, Henry Ajder, who is a Head of Policy & Partnership at Metaphysic, talks about deep fakes and synthetic media, while, Laura De Vries discusses her publication ‘’Algorithms and Local Governments: Opportunity for everyone’’. Iva Tasheva, Cybersecurity Governance and Compliance Advisor at The Cybersecurity Advisors Network (CyAN), talks about cybersecurity for enterprise and healthcare providers.
Check out Cybersecurity Policy Guide: For the next generations of liberal leaders prepared by the European Liberal Forum in collaboration with our member organisation LYMEC.
Last, but not least check out a Thoughtbite by Bart Groothuis and Svenja Hahn where they discuss why cybersecurity matters to EU governments and citizens.
Overall, we hope you have enjoyed the month of cybersecurity awareness and you are looking forward to the next ELF Campaign!