The aim of this project is to encourage the interest of youth in political activism, within the broad spectrum of civil society including political parties, NGOs and social movements. Liberal political NGOs all around the SEE area will gather with young representatives of youth organisations and political parties and raise awareness of youth activism.
Youth activism in political parties and elsewhere is at a very low level, whilst political participation in general is declining and political apathy among the youth is rising. Youngsters are not motivated enough to join the political parties and/or to be politically active to become changemakers and potential leaders. The political climate needs new generations that are ready to take over and spread European values for societal and economic prosperity in the future. Nevertheless, since the political atmosphere in many countries remains at the status quo, a huge number of young people are leaving South East Europe, resulting in brain drain phenomenon all around the SEE area and further. It is only with the united civil society that some changes can be made in the context of increasing youth activism.
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Young political activists participating in this programme will:
• Learn about the importance of political participation;
• Enhance knowledge about the influence of NGOs and social movements;
• Learn how to address the issue of political apathy through the political activism.
CPLA is intended for young people from 18 to 30 years old, who are liberal politicians, activists, students of political or social sciences or representatives of NGOs involved in youth political participation and responsible policies in the SEE area (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Kosovo, North Macedonia, Albania, Croatia and Bulgaria). Knowledge of English language is compulsory. Participation in all modules of the Academy is compulsory.
An event organised by the European Liberal Forum with the support of the Center Party International Foundation (CPIF), Haya van Someren Stichting/VVD Internationaal and Boris Divkovic Foundation.