Waiting for the Jab: Covid-19 impact on the Cultural and Creative sectors

What are the key challenges of cultural and creative sectors (CCS) in the time of Covid-19 pandemic? What are the struggles experienced by cultural and creative workers in the times when many among them cannot work? Why and how is it important to adequately support CCS on the governmental and municipal level?

According to the OECD report, published in September 2020, the cultural and creative sectors are, along the tourism sector, the most affected sectors by the COVID-19 crisis, with jobs at risk ranging from 0.8 to 5.5% of employment across OECD regions.

While the CCS are recognized as an important driver of social and economic development in many cities and regions, advantage of their creative potential should be utilised for the post-Covid recovery.

In order to develop relevant support mechanisms and policies for the heavily impacted CCS we need to understand the specifics and struggles of these sectors.

We invited four researchers analysing the impact of Covid-19 pandemic on the cultural and creative sectors to give us insights from their research.


Welcome remarks by
Marco Mariani, Member of the ELF board of directors

Speakers include
Eketerina Travkina, OECD
Eva Matjaž, Programme and Research Director, Poligon
Ribio Nzeza Bunketi Buse, Associate Professor, Catholic University of Congo and University of Kinshasa
John Wrigh, Freelance Researcher

Moderated by Cristina Farinha, Freelance CCS Expert and Researcher, Member of the Council at Cultural Policy Designers Network


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